
帮助 with logging in to the 新萄新京十大正规网站 website



You can log in to the 新萄新京十大正规网站 website by following the link at top right of each page in the site.

Please note that we have recently launched a new single sign-on (SSO) service 对于我们的网站. Users with an existing login account will need to migrate their account to the new service before logging in, by following the link in the login page.

Once you have successfully logged in, your name and a link to “Your 新萄新京十大正规网站 account” (My新萄新京十大正规网站) will be displayed in the top bar.


How do I request a username/password reminder?

There is a password reset/username reminder facility available on the 新萄新京十大正规网站 website where you can request a username reminder and/or reset your password. If your e-mail address has changed from the one that you have registered then you should contact the 新萄新京十大正规网站 Webmaster for assistance. Please include as much information as possible e.g. 姓, 旧电邮地址, and if you are a member, please include your membership number and date of birth.



If you log in to the website then you will have a personal homepage (My 新萄新京十大正规网站) which is your portal to control your communications, 团体成员等. 也, if you have registered to use the site and are an 新萄新京十大正规网站 member, then you can manage your membership online, 和访问 客户只能服务职业经理.



There are a number of reasons why logins fail; some of these are described below:

  • Incorrect username and/or password
    If you get the message "Unfortunately, we could not validate your details", the most likely reason for this is that you have entered your username and password incorrectly. Please request a password reset or a username reminder if required, and try again.
  • 技术问题
    The message mentioned above may also be displayed due to an error or when the website login system is temporarily offline for maintenance.
  • The login screen mentions the use of '饼干'
    This is where the following message is presented - "饼干. Please note that in order to log in to the Institution of Engineering and Technology website, you must have 饼干 enabled. Please visit our 饼干 information page if you require more information."
    The reason for this warning is that 饼干 are disabled on your browser. Please set your browser to accept session 饼干 从万维网.theiet.组织并重试.
  • Cached data in browser
    Sometimes previous browser session information (stored in the browser cache) can interfere with logins and resetting of passwords. Deleting information in the browser cache can restore login, password reset and other processes. Most browsers will present their cache deletion options when you use CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE on the keyboard. Please check the support site for your browser for further help on how to clear the cache or browser history.

If you are still unable to log in: Please contact us with details of the problem.  To help us investigate this, please try to include information 如

  • any error messages that were displayed,
  • the type of browser and platform you are using,
  • whether or not you are connecting via a firewall or proxy server,
  • if there are any security measures on your network that you are aware of that could affect logins
  • and your Membership number or enough information about yourself for us to be able to locate your user account.


Why am I getting "登录 Security Warning"?

新萄新京十大正规网站 websites use a login function that uses a secure connection to transmit and verify passwords. Most web browsers are set by default to display an alert box when users enter and leave a secure connection. The appearance and content of the alert boxes vary between browsers. Some browsers may also ask users to review and accept a site security certificate