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Intersectionality –
neurodivergent individuals from under-represented groups

As part of our 2023 Neurodiversity in Engineering and Technology research, we held several focus group sessions specifically exploring the experience of neurodivergent individuals from other under-represented groups, including women and those of a minoritised ethnicity.

These sessions revealed that being part of another minority group often magnifies challenges for neurodivergent people.

These under-represented groups could include, but are not limited to:– women engineers– minority ethnic groups– people with a co-occurring disability or condition – members of the LGBTQ+ community– certain age groups.

How can you support these individuals?

  • Offer community support – create a safe space for them to speak and share with each other. This could take the form of separate intersectional colleague networks or neurodiversity network sessions dedicated to intersectional groups.
  • Listen up! – as well as providing an opportunity for neurodivergent colleagues to engage with each other, make sure you provide a route for these individuals to share their concerns or provide feedback anonymously to the organisation. Having a non-judgemental and safe place to share is helpful for all colleagues.
  • Raise awareness – educate your colleagues (and yourself) on the different barriers faced by minority groups. You could use resources, blogs and information available online, or invite intersectional speakers to share their lived experiences with your organisation (you may find it useful to get in touch with organisations like AFBE, 明智的, EqualEngineers and Business Disability Forum).

People see me as abrupt and argumentative. I wonder if part of it is that I don’t fit the stereotype of how women are supposed to behave.

Quote from our focus group for women engineers.

I’m already worried about needing to look like I’m more capable than other people. It would be another negative,  different from the norm, not a plus. It would be something else I’d have to overcome at work.

Quote from our minoritised ethnicity focus group.